You’re busy. That’s always what we tell ourselves when we prioritize our obligations over our self-care. Sometimes life gets chaotic, leaving you with barely enough time to eat dinner and get enough sleep. Making little swaps throughout your routine will help shift the focus on yourself in small ways. Self-care doesn’t necessarily mean you need to ditch your job to have a spa day (although I think we would all love this). It can mean taking a morning walk to get a cup of coffee instead of the hour-long scroll through your socials in bed each morning. Think of it as a time to incorporate a little spring cleaning, but with sweeping out habits that no longer serve us. Look, sometimes the demands of your job, relationships, and just life in general cause you to hit the breaks when it comes to prioritizing yourself. It’s hard having so many to-do’s and not enough time to relax or pencil in time for yourself. We’re starting fresh. There’s no better time than now to start making simple swaps that will make you feel good and ready to take on the rest of those pesky obligations. Starting now, how do you want to feel? How do you want to ground yourself? Here are a few ways to get you on the right track!
1. Have you taken on the “wine as soon as 2 p.m. hits” habit since quarantine? Try swapping for CBD.
2. Coffee causing jitters and stress? Try matcha.
Matcha has many incredible health benefits. Some of these include high antioxidants, along with boosting liver and brain function. Not only does it taste great, but it’s an excellent alternative for highly caffeinated drinks like cold brew. Why not incorporate something quick and new into your daily routine?

3. Have a time-consuming makeup regimen? Try faux freckles.
Pseudo Labs PHreckles are the secret to no-makeup-makeup. It’s easy to get that sunkissed look in under a minute. Faux freckles just give that extra warmth to your face that looks incredibly natural and with minimal effort. You’ll look and feel gorgeous while saving that hour you usually spend on makeup. Switching up your look to feel better and making life a little easier is self-care!
4. Can’t relax? Listen to this mellow playlist.
Time to take a few breaths and relax into this vibey ambiance. This playlist is perfect for relaxing in a bath or background while you dive into your skincare routine. It’s equal parts mellow and uplifting, guaranteed to boost your mood.
5. Tired of wasteful sheet masks? Try reusable ones.
Investing in a silicone face mask allows you to reuse and tailor it to your skin’s needs! By using a silicone mask, you just have to add your favorite serum or skin treatment and apply the mask to get optimal absorption.
6. Are you throwing away countless candle jars? Reuse them and try to make your own candle kit.
If you have an old candle you’ve burnt through, stick it in the freezer and pull out the excess wax and clean the jar. Once you get an easy candle-making kit, you can reuse those cute candle jars and make a new one that’s truly your own. Adding your favorite essential oils will help release the stress of the day each time you light it.
7. Is attempting to DIY, not your thing? Set the vibe with a luxury Sundip Candle Co. candle.
These candles are gorgeous and will fit any home aesthetic, allowing you to even customize your candle jar. On top of being absolutely gorgeous, the scents are out of this world. They truly give you that sense of a vacay without actually having to leave the house. Time to relax into a new scent!
8. Can’t focus on long-form journaling? Try a bullet journal or listing your goals.
Jen Atkin @jenatkinhair listed her goals in an easy-to-digest format that is perfect for people who need a quick and simple way to journal. This is such a great way to get to the point and only takes 5 minutes for you to focus on what goals you’d like to make for yourself.
9. Not hydrated enough? Invest in a reusable water bottle you love.
As simple as it sounds, if it’s your aesthetic then chances are you’d be more likely to carry it around with you and hydrate on the go. It’s time to hydrate, but make it your vibe!
10. Ditch the nightstand clutter. Add some soothing lavender or eucalyptus to that bedside table.
You’ll go to bed relaxed and able to enjoy the beautiful floral arrangement of it in the daytime. Such a unique way to spice up that nightstand and relax at the same time.

11. Tons of amazon boxes and in need of spring cleaning? Use them for donations.
This organization, Give Back Box, makes it easy to give those boxes from your retail therapy a second life while allowing you to donate to an organization of your choice. All you have to do is print off a free label from their website, fill an empty box with donation items and ship it out. Did we mention that it’s all for free?
12. Still, using bath bombs? Make the switch to bath salts and essential oils. They have tons of benefits, with all the relaxation you need.
A soothing bath with lavender essential oils is the best way to calm and distress after a chaotic day or week. Have a little CBD beforehand, enjoy a nice book, and you’ll have the perfect night for a little self-care time. You deserve it!