Taking Black Friday Shopping Online - PSEUDO LABS

Taking Black Friday Shopping Online

As Coronavirus lockdowns become more relaxed, it doesn’t mean the pandemic is over. With the holiday season approaching, it’s important to take into account how different the holidays, along with all the shopping, will look like this year. Our recommendation is to take our health seriously and do all of that generous gift shopping online! Not only is it the safest, but it seems like the easiest way to get gifts for your loved ones from the comfort of your own home. How can we pass that up? Most of us have already been taking advantage of the luxuries of deliveries, as many have transitioned to working from home. We’re lucky that we live in a time where just about anything can get delivered with a click of a button these days. Let’s dive into the logistics of the looming Black Friday deals and why taking them up online is the way to go this holiday season.



It’s no surprise that there are still risks for many activities outside of your home in the midst of a pandemic. However, some things are riskier than others! Staying home as often as possible is one of the safest ways to avoid the spread of Covid. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced, “shopping at crowded stores before, on, or after Thanksgiving” is considered a high-risk activity. Avoiding taking any risky trips out for the same deal you could get online, would significantly help prevent the spread of the virus and is the most Covid safe option. Luckily, many companies are encouraging online shopping by starting up deals earlier to help prevent crowding during these high-point holiday shopping times. In the last seven days, there have been 25.4 Covid cases per 100,000 people within the US, according to the CDC. With cases rising, the Washington Post stated in an in-depth Covid analysis that as of late, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, Iowa, and Wyoming have the highest numbers of daily cases per capita. It is reassuring to see companies evolving their Black Friday deals by extending it week-long, or having additional online exclusives. These changes have the potential to discourage people from showing up in person. Others are promoting curbside pickups or free shipping which are great alternatives to hitting the stores on this wild day.



Pseudo Labs wants to promote flattening the curve by encouraging shoppers to make the switch from in-store shopping to getting those Black Friday deals online. Gift buying from the comfort of your own home seems like the best move for Black Friday this year! On November 27 we want to show our appreciation to our online shoppers by offering a special 25% discount on Black Friday with the code “PLTAKE25” that can be applied at checkout! This special 25% discount will include free shipping and will only be valid from November 27-30, allowing for a discount until Cyber Monday as well! Although the holiday season this year will be new for all of us, small steps like shopping online will help keep the health of yourself and others in mind, while still get you some incredible deals in the process. 





“CDC COVID Data Tracker.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/.

“COVID-19: Holiday Celebrations.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/holidays.html.

Joe Fox, Brittany Mayes. “U.S. Coronavirus Cases: Tracking Deaths, Confirmed Cases by State.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 26 June 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/coronavirus-us-cases-deaths/?itid=hp_pandemic-guide-box.

William Wan, Jacqueline Dupree. “U.S. Hits Highest Daily Number of Coronavirus Cases since Pandemic Began.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 24 Oct. 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/10/23/covid-us-spike-cases/. 

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